Tummy Tuck
For adults, sagging skin and unwanted fat surrounding the abdominal region can be frustrating, especially after making great efforts to reduce it. Significant weight loss, childbirth, and aging are the main reasons why an individual may not be able to regain a slim and tight tummy.
Even though you try to lose weight, you probably still have pockets of fat that are keeping you from being confident in yourself. Craniofacial & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers the most advanced techniques to effectively rid fat from certain body parts.
Upper Arm Lift
One big challenge when getting older or losing weight is gaining excess skin. At Craniofacial & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we offer upper arm lift surgery (also known as brachioplasty) as an option for anyone who cannot manage to tone and tighten the arm with exercise and diet alone.
Mommy Makeover
Orlando, FL fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Dr. Raj Sawh-Martinez regularly consults with women who desire to get their pre-pregnancy silhouette back.