Nonsurgical Treatments
To help in aging gracefully and reduce facial wrinkles and lines that often occur on the top portion of the face, Craniofacial & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Orlando, FL is pleased to offer BOTOX to area individuals. This injectable treatment offers outstanding results and is very commonly sought out among both women and men.
Facials & Dermaplaning
Following a good home skin care routine is necessary to keep a clear complexion, but occasionally, you may want to step it up with a professional facial or a dermaplaning treatment.
Chemical Peel
For the highest quality results from chemical peel facial treatments, Craniofacial & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery provides you with several choices. Your individualized chemical peel with exfoliating solutions (such as salicylic, glycolic, trichloroacetic, and lactic acids) will reveal more radiant skin.
Injectable Wrinkle Filler
Wrinkle fillers (or simply fillers) are often utilized to replace lost facial volume. Your face can lose volume over time for a variety of reasons, but significant weight loss and age are major contributors. The process of wrinkle fillers works by incorporating the liquid filler beneath the skin to fill in areas lacking volume or shape.
Orlando plastic surgeon Dr. Raj Sawh-Martinez offers area women and men several nonsurgical procedures for rejuvenating the skin. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle relaxer that acts like BOTOX to soften and reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines throughout the face.